Olga Soby’s Secret Recipe Course Review (+ coupon code)
I’ve always loved watching the acrylic pours that Olga Soby has created on her YouTube channel. I especially enjoy her special themes which she usually writes in paint on her canvases before creating her amazing fluid art.
Recently I had the chance to take her new course Secret Recipe for Fluid Art Success and boy was I impressed.
Olga Soby’s Secret Recipe course includes everything from the science behind cell creation, printouts you can use to get the perfect consistency, and multiple different example techniques using her recipe. My first pour after taking the course turned out way better than any attempt I had made in the past.

Use coupon code “DAVID” to get 10% off your purchase!
Why I Struggled Before Taking the Course
I am sure you have all had the same problem that I have when I watch an acrylic pouring artist on YouTube and try to replicate the type of pour they were doing. I have tried a dozen or more times to get my acrlyic pours to look just like Olga’s.
At first I tried with Floetrol and water. Then, I moved on to just using paint and water like she was doing for a while a few years ago. Neither resulted in me getting anything I would consider remotely like her results.
The colors either blended way too much or not enough. I rarely got cells and definitely did not get any like the delicate flowy cells Olga gets in her painting, especialy her latest ones.
On my own I learned to incorporate at least one metallic color which helped me get a few cells. Through my experiments I was also able to figure out how best to use a hair dryer for my acrylic paint pours.
Once I took The Secret Recipe for Fluid Art Success course I realized that Olga Soby had made some very specific modifications to how she mixes her paints, what mediums she mixes each type of paint with, and exactly how to get the specific consitency to get cells . . . lots of cells.
You can see me paint my first painting after completing the Secret Recipe tutorial in the video below.
Olga Soby Discount Code
Normally I am all for experimenting to try and figure out how someome gets the results they get with acrylic paint pouring. And as I mentioned above, that is what I had tried multiple times with Olga Soby’s mix and techniques. It wasn’t until I finished the course and followed her instructions that I created one of what I think is my best acrylic pours to date.
As a graduate of her course, Olga provided me with a discount code, “DAVID“, that will save you 10% on the purchase of her Secret Recipe course when you use this link.

This is only the third of the plethora of different painting courses I have taken over the years that I have recommended to my readers. The first one was the SheleeArt Blooms Course where you can also save 15% by using code “sheleeart15LBA“. The second was Chris Breier’s Color Mixing Course (great for people like me that never got color theory). You can also save 10% by using the link here.
David, like so many others, I thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge and experience. I just recently discovered fluid pour painting and am eager to try it. But I have a different question. I went to high school with a David Voorhies. I attended 2 high schools, so I don’t remember in which one I would have met you (if it was you) Did you ever live in Dixon, Illinois or Tampa, Florida?
That wasn’t me. I grew up in Utah. However, there aren’t many Voorhies in the US to it was probably a relative although more distant that I am familiar with.
Totally off subject but since you grew up in Utah ironically I’m about to drive cross country to move my niece to California and my husband and son are meeting me out there and we’re all driving back together if you know some out of the way places beautiful inspiring places then please email me because I’m going to have 2 weeks to wander to Florida and it seems that Utah’s got a lot going on and I want to be inspired because I look at the rock formations and they kind of look like a lot of the different pores I end up doing sometimes when I do a straight pour it ends up looking like all the hoodoos. I know it’s off topic but I had to ask cuz I was reading this blog and so yeah thank you for all the information that you give out and all the times that it has helped me in doing better in my fluid art. Do you happen to have a Blog on the best ways to layer a cup for straight pores? I am trying to find something that helps me to more easily know how I should layer them. I know about the density and I know about transparent and opaque I just want to know or even a step-by-step just with one set of colors so that I can get a starting point without having to go through and watch a bunch of videos I only have one week until I leave and I’m going to have 3 weeks where I can’t paint poor and it’s my therapy so I need help anyways thank you for everything you do including letting me vent and ask random questions in your blog
I haven’t done a blog but I have a video about layering. I can’t put links in the comments (too much spam if I allow links) but if you search youtube for “Acrylic pour layering – Thick or thin? Which works better?” and “How to layer colors for an acrylic pour – It matters!” you should find my videos.
All 5 of the nation parks in Utah are amazing. Bryce Canyon is my favorite. But Arches, Capital Reef, Canyonlands and Zion are no slouches either. You can go wrong going to any of them.
I found her mixtures to be too thin though, and had to put in less water then her recipe. My first one came out great, the second not so great, but will try now with a thicker recipe.
I did mentioned that I would probably do the same in one of my following videos although I have gotten good results from the thin sid also.
To: Left Brained Artist
From: Artist and eLf triBe
I DONT NORMALLY HARBOR IRRITATIONS AND RESENTMENTS FOR PEOPLE But I’m finding it impossible to get over the audacious and blatant greed in Olga Soby’s extortion and information hoarding.
You help us Nubes bc you know how frustrating it can be starting out in this media and also how fulfilling it can also be. I’m assuming. YOUR HELP MATTERS AND MAKES A LASTING DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY FRUSTRATED ARTISTS LIVES AND WORK. PEOPLE WHO ARE GIVING UP ON THEMSELVES. AND THEIR ART. YOUR EFFORTS ARE FELT AND APPRECIATED IN COUNTLESS WAYS BY COUNTLESS PEOPLE … AND A HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FIVE YEARS FROM NOW WHEN YOU ARE NO LONGER WALKING UPON THIS EARTH YOU WILL HAVE LEFT THIS PLANET FAR BETTER OFF INFINITELY IMPROVED AND ISNT THAT ALL HUMANITY COULD EVER HOPE FOR? I’m sorry if that was weird. I’m a weirdo… And also autistic. Now compare what Olga contributes at what price? Her money is being made DIRECTLY off of the frustrations and struggles of artists giving up on themselves as artists but also just in general… this is not ‘my take on it” ..it is the reality of the situation. And I just find it depraved and pitiful. As I said I’m autistic and not given to wild episodes of emotional outbursts. On top of that I was not raised by any women so I was deprived of a woman’s sage advice on how to be shrill, abandon all reason, trap an husband and get fat. So… yeah. There’s that. What I mean is that I know I’m not just being a drama queen “oh em gee, you betch!” I DO have to admit i MAY have heard once or twice in my life that I was “being mean”.. I never try to be. Am I “being mean” in this?
I don’t think you are being mean at all. We should all question things that don’t make sense to us. I’d like you do consider one thing as kind of a counter argument. How is this any different from a plumber or an electrician? They are charging for convenience, for years of expertise, and for saving you time.
Well put David..I struggled for years before I found out how to paint properly..
3 exhibitions on and I’m still getting better. I didn’t pay for any lessons just self taught so to speak ..
That is fantastic. I need to start practicing other types of painting one of these days.
Thanks for the code, I also consider taking the course. This technique looks easier than it really is.
It is definitely not as easy as she makes it look that is for sure.