David with black dutch pour painting

A few years ago I was browsing my Instagram feed and noticed some really captivating pieces of artwork. After liking a few of the pictures and watching some of the artists videos, I came to the realization that I could probably create fluid art also.

Now for a very right-brained technologically savvy person like myself, this was a bit of a shock. Me being an I.T. guy by trade, I always left the creative work to my more visually oriented counterparts. I’ve never been good at drawing or the graphic arts.

Lo and behold, anyone can do acrylic paint pouring. For me, it has taken a lot of trial and error over the years. The lessons I have learned, and continue to learn, I chronicle in this blog to help those other like minded people paint pourers, both beginners and journeymen alike.

Now as a tech guy, the way I learn is by experimentation and analyzing the results of those experiments. Many of the scientific endeavors I have executed have become the basis of one of my articles.

Acrylic pouring is now one of my go to forms of entertainment in addition to a side business. I hope that some of the explanations of my pouring experiences will help you to move your acrylic pouring knowledge forward.